Sunday 18 October 2020

How do I Create a Product Catalog?

How do I Create a Product Catalog? The best way to approach creating your product catalog is to think of it just like a printed catalog. You may even want to pick up a couple printed catalogs to browse through as you think about what you want your store to look like. Like any other catalog, there are two basic components to an online product catalog — pages and products. The pages provide a structure for the products. In order to understand the relationship between pages and products, it might help to think about a sandwich. The products in your catalog are the filling in the sandwich. You may have a very simple sandwich, like peanut-butter and jelly,
or you may have a fancy sandwich with ham, mustard, mayonnaise, lettuce and tomatoes. Either way, without bread to hold it all together, it's just a bunch of ingredients. The bread provides the structure of the sandwich, bringing all the ingredients together in a single easy-to-eat meal. Just like a sandwich, it's easiest if you start by preparing all the ingredients before you try to assemble the sandwich. Once you've added your products to ShopSite, you'll have an easier time deciding how to organize them in your catalog.

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