Monday 11 January 2021

Direct referrals for ptc sites

Different tips on how to get free ptc referrals

how to do earn from ptc business model and how it works but 100% pure success in PTC business is by getting referrals.

But getting referrals for a ptc business is a very difficult task but we have to refer others to increase our earnings from ptc sites. provides here the easiest way to refer others to PTC business, I invite every one of you use our opportunity and get referrals.

Referrals are those peoples who are doing the same work in PTC but one thing is they have joined and work for you.

Moreover, you will get a percentage of their income normally 10% to 50% because they are your referrals.

The income from referrals is higher but it is the biggest challenge for many PTC users especially for newbies. provides here the easiest way to refer others to PTC business.

If an individual wants to earn a handsome income, then he / she needs a lot of referrals to earn.

Once you joined and started to work, tell your friends, neighbours or colleagues about this business. Ask them to try because it doesn’t need any investment.

Asking them is not worth a lot to do, you can just say: “They can have an extra opportunity to earn a handsome income”.

You can also use online social networking sites like Facebook, Yahoo, Twitter, MySpace, Linkedin, orkut by using your referral links and banners.

But don’t spam or it might lead to removal or banning of your account. Even your online friends can remove you from their friend list.

Creating a blog or website about this PTC business is the most challenging task but exceptionally this is found to be the reliable way of acquiring more referrals.

Moreover, write an article about your PTC experience and add some tips in your website along with your referral banner and links.

There are lots of free blog or website platforms available with easy user interface. Even a newbie can build a website. You can start your blog or website here.

Sound knowledge about the PTC sites will help you generate referrals more and more.

If you plan to build a blog for free then you can go here: BLOG or WORDPRESS

Register with them. Then create a name and a theme for your blog. Now start publishing your posts. If you already have contents then it will take around ten minutes to publish your blog.

Try a google search on topic “How to create a blog”

These blogs offer some tutorials on how to start, design a blog and publish it. Go step by step carefully and create and publish your blog.

Traffic exchange sites are simply behind an idea that you surf others site to earn credits for advertising your site to earn referrals.

Simply, when you visit a site you will get same amount of visits for your site.

Referral builder also works the same as traffic exchange but the difference here is that you can publish your signup page in turn of viewing their signup page.

Comparing to traffic exchange, referral builder offers more clicks to get more referrals.

My best strategies of getting PTC referrals is by using,

All these websites work on basics of earning credits for viewing others website or their online products.

We can use that earned credits to advertise our website or PTC site to get referrals. All this takes up to a hour of work daily.

Use this strategy to gain more referrals.

Referral exchange is simply called trading of referrals normally in forums. That is you become someone’s referrals for any site and they become yours for a different ptc site.

Eg: If you need a referral for a site then you have to open a thread “I need referrals for my ptc website”.

If anyone is interested they will reply. Let them join you and in turn you register with his referral link.

This method works well in case of ptc sites and you will get very active referrals for your site because they need an active referral and in turn you receive the same.


Renting un-referred members from PTC sites is the most popular way to earn income.

There are many PTC members who join directly to PTC and those members are available for sale.

You can purchase or rent them for a price set by PTC website usually $0.1-$1 per referral for lifetime or rent them for a month or more.

If you have more capital to invest, renting referrals is the easiest way of earning a huge income from PTC. As your down line grows, your income grows too.

Remember, most PTC sites does not offer any guarantee that their rented referrals you buy are active. Eg:- If you buy 50 referrals only 10 or 20 will work for you.

So, renting referrals is at your own risk.Remember, purchase referrals only from a trusted PTC sites because some scam sites are selling bots as referrals for purchase.

Please be careful in investing money for getting referrals.

Many ptc site members advertise their referral links in the same PTC sites in which they are working and found it to be much better than other methods.

At your start of PTC business, instead of cashing out your earning, use it for advertising your referral links and banner to drive more referrals.

Try to advertise new ptc sites in old PTC because it is difficult to get a referral for an old legit PTC as already lots of people are members of that sites.

If you advertise new ptc sites, surely you will notice a change in a short period of time.

How To Set Up A Business?

Some entrepreneurs succeed while not a business set up. With nice temporal arrangement, solid business skills, entrepreneurial drive, and slightly luck, some founders build thriving businesses while not ever making even an off-the-cuff business set up.
But the possibilities area unit a lot of doubtless that those entrepreneurs fail.
Will a business set up create success inevitable? completely not. however nice designing usually means that the distinction between success and failure.
Where your entrepreneurial dreams area unit involved, you must do everything potential to line the stage for achievement.
And that's why a good business set up is one that helps you succeed.
What matters most
Many business plans area unit fantasies. that is as a result of several aspiring entrepreneurs see a business set up as merely a tool--filled with methods and projections and hyperbole--that can convert lenders or investors the business is smart.
That's a large mistake.
First and foremost, your business set up ought to convert you that your plan makes sense--because it slow, your money, and your effort area unit on the road.

So a solid business set up ought to be a blueprint for a productive business. It ought to flesh out strategic plans, develop selling and sales plans, produce the muse for swish operations, and maybe--just maybe--convince a loaner or capitalist to leap on board.
For many entrepreneurs, developing a business set up is that the start within the method of deciding whether or not to really begin a business. crucial if a thought fails on paper will facilitate a prospective founder avoid delay and cash on a business with no realistic hope of success.
So, at a minimum, your set up should:
A.Be as objective and rational as potential. What could have gave the look of an honest plan for a business will, once some thought and analysis, prove not viable owing to serious competition, deficient funding, or a nonexistent market. (Sometimes even the simplest ideas area unit merely prior their time.)
Serve as a guide to the business's operations for the primary months and typically years, making a blueprint for company leaders to follow.
Communicate the company's purpose and vision, describe management responsibilities, detail personnel needs, give an outline of selling plans, and valuate current and future competition within the marketplace.
Create the muse of a funding proposal for investors and lenders to use to guage the corporate.
A good business set up delves into every of the on top of classes, however it ought to additionally accomplish alternative objectives. Most of all, an honest business set up is convincing. It proves a case. It provides concrete, factual proof showing your plan for a business is in truth sound and affordable and has each likelihood of success.
Who should your business set up convince?
First and foremost, your business set up ought to convert you that your plan for a business isn't simply a dream however may be a viable reality. Entrepreneurs area unit naturally assured, positive, dynamical folks. once you objectively valuate your capital wants, merchandise or services, competition, selling plans, and potential to create a profit, you will have a far higher grasp on your possibilities for achievement.
And if you are not convinced, fine: Take a step back and refine your ideas and your plans.
Who will your business set up convince?
1. Potential sources of funding. If you would like working capital from a bank or friends and relatives, your business set up will assist you create a good case. money statements will show wherever you have got been. money projections describe wherever you intend to travel.
Your business set up shows however you'll get there. disposal naturally involves risk, and a good business set up will facilitate lenders perceive and amount that risk, increasing your possibilities for approval.
2. Potential partners and investors. wherever friends and family area unit involved, sharing your business set up might not be necessary (although it actually may help).

Other investors--including angel investors or venture capitalists--generally need a business set up so as to guage your business.
3. mean staff. once you ought to attract talent, you would like one thing to point out prospective staff since you are still within the startup section. Early on, your business is a lot of of a thought than a reality, thus your business set up will facilitate prospective staff perceive your goals--and, a lot of necessary, their place in serving to you attain those goals.
4. Potential joint ventures. Joint ventures area unit like partnerships between 2 corporations. A venture could be a formal agreement to share the work--and share the revenue and profit. As a replacement company, you'll doubtless be associate degree unknown amount in your market. putting in a venture with a longtime partner may create all the distinction in obtaining your business off the bottom.
But particularly, your business set up ought to convert you that it is smart to maneuver forward.
As you map your set up, you'll discover problems or challenges you had not anticipated.
Maybe the market is not as massive as you thought. Maybe, once evaluating the competition, you notice your decide to be the inexpensive supplier is not possible since the profit margins are going to be too low to hide your prices.
Or you may notice the elemental plan for your business is sound, however however you implement that concept ought to amendment. perhaps establishing a front for your operation is not as efficient as taking your merchandise on to customers--not solely can your operational prices be lower, however you'll charge a premium since you give further client convenience.
Think of it this fashion. productive businesses don't stay static. They learn from mistakes, and adapt and react to changes: changes within the economy, the marketplace, their customers, their merchandise and services, etc. productive businesses determine opportunities and challenges and react consequently.

Creating a business set up enables you to spot opportunities and challenges while not risk. Use your decide to dip your toe within the business water. it is the good thanks to review and revise your ideas and ideas before you ever pay a penny.
Many people see writing a business set up as a "necessary evil" needed to draw in funding or investors. Instead, see your set up as a no-cost thanks to explore the viability of your potential business and avoid pricey mistakes.

What is a ptc site?

PTC sites are called as Paid To Click sites where you will be getting paid some small money whenever you watch ads in the web browser.

There are some websites in the internet that offer this business model with free investment but guaranteed payments.

It hardly takes 3 – 5 minutes to work daily in one PTC website. Still you can earn $100 – $250 monthly if you registered with all sites mentioned.

Working in these sites does not require any special skills and any person with basic computer knowledge can start working this method from their home.

These paid to click jobs are easy to start and it is best suitable for College Students, House wives and those who are interested in doing online part time jobs.

Even a newbie can start to generate income from the first day in these paid to click jobs as it requires less skill to work.

2.) How PTC works – About PTC?

So just you may get some clarification about what is a PTC sites? Now, let me explain how PTC works?

All people usually watch television at least 2hours every day. Now think if those Television channels came forward to pay you for watching ads in their channels?

Ha ha, what an amazing offer. Isn’t it? Think about the same process and apply here.

Some websites called as PTC sites to name a few giants Neobux, Clixsense are just like those television channels who are paying a small amount of $0.0001USD to $0.1USD for every AD you are viewing in their website.

You have to open an account with them for free and login to your account every day to view all available advertisements.

Web marketers or online business promoter’s needs immediate huge traffic for their online business websites and hence they pay a huge amount to these PTC sites to buy traffic.

These sites in turn place those ad links in your account page daily to click, view and earn money.

3.) What are the requirements?

If you are looking for a genuine online jobs, then PTC business is the best one to start from Day one. You can earn from PTC sites if you having the following requirements.

— A personal computer or Laptop with Internet Connection

Attn: Register only one account per computer per internet connection.

— Gmail Account— Personal Bank Account

— Payza Account.

4.) How to earn money from PTC sites?

Are you curious in knowing how to earn with ptc sites, it is a very simple process. First you have to register a free membership account with these sites recommended.

After successful registration, login to your account and go to View Advertisement Section. In that page you will see the list of available ads to watch.

Just click one link at a time and it will be opened in a new browser. Wait until the timer or scroll bar ends and the browser automatically credits the money into your account.

Once you got the reply from the browser, close the AD Window and come back to the advertisement page and view next ad.

Repeat this process until watching all available advertisements. For each and every ad you are viewing you will be paid between $0.0001 USD to $0.1USD depending on the length of the AD.

Some advertisements may run for 5secs and some for upto 30secs. Lengthy AD gives more income.

5.) How do I get paid?

Every PTC site have set a minimum payout threshold value as $2 , $6 etc.

Once your account balance reaches the minimum payout threshold value you will be paid to your PayPal or Payza account which is found in your profile.

Attn: Never forget to update your PayPal or Payza Email Address in your profile.

Some PTC sites payments are automatic and in some PTC sites you have to give a payout request. All payments are processed in 6Hrs to 6Working Days.

No matter where you are in the world, your earned money will be credited into your PayPal or Payza account.

From there you can transfer the money to your local bank account in your local currency.

6.) How much I can earn?

As explained earlier you will be paid between $0.0001 to $0.1 for every watched ad.

So if you want to earn more from PTC sites you have to upgrade your membership or else by renting or referring referrals to work and you will get some commission till your referral lifetime.

Referrals are those people like you who joined these PTC sites directly through your referral link.

PTC sites provides referral link for every registered members who can use that link to refer others to register.

They are called as Direct Referrals.

If you could not able to bring direct referrals, then you choose to rent them.

PTC sites itself offering this service and you have to pay a rental fee of $0.2 per referral per month. You can either bring direct referrals or rent referrals to increase your earnings in PTC sites.

A simple calculation:Your click earnings: 5 ads x $.01 = $ 0.05/dayYour referral click earnings: 50 x 5 ads x $.005 = $1.25/day

Your total earnings per day per site = $ 1.30Your monthly earnings per site = 30 x $ 1.30 = $39If you join just 10 best paying PTC sites, your potential earnings is: 10 x 39 = $390/month

7.) Why Choose PTC Sites?

Free to Join.No Special Skills to work.No previous experience necessary.Can work anytime, anywhere.

8.) Success Tips:

Register with all recommended sites.

Use same username and different passwords for PTC sites.

Make as a habit of logging in daily and watch all available ads.

Keep updated with their TOS and stay aware of their new programs.

How do I Fulfil Orders?

A customers place orders, you're responsible for making sure they get what they paid for. ShopSite will send you an e-mail to notify you when a customer places an order. For security reasons, the e-mail does not include any customer payment information. You can go to the Orders section of your back office to view the order details. You can print an invoice or packing slip for the order as well. If you offer more than one shipping option to your customers, the method selected for each order will be displayed beside the shipping rate in the totals section of the order. When you package the ordered items for shipping, make sure you use packaging materials that are appropriate for the selected shipping method. Be sure to provide adequate padding to avoid damage to your products during shipping. You may also want to include a copy of the invoice or packing slip in the package. Follow the shipping service's rules for sealing and labeling the package.
After you have the order ready to be shipped, capture the funds for the order. In many places, the law requires you to have the order ready to ship before you can capture funds. Most payment gateways will allow you to authorize an order, which puts a hold on the funds in the customer's account, then capture the funds to your merchant account at a later time. You should, however, capture the funds before you actually ship the order.Once the shipping carrier has the package, it is a good idea to notify the customer via e-mail that their order is on its way. If the carrier provides a package tracking service, you can include the tracking code in the notification message so your customer can track the package as well. After the package arrives, you can also send a follow-up message to check that the order arrived in good condition. Good customer service during order fulfillment is a great way to encourage repeat customers.

Direct referrals for ptc sites